p o d i v l j a l o / f e r a l



Podivljalo, ili opera diranja, je spekulativna forma – utočište za superheroine dodira i njihove moći senzoričko-senzualnog science fictiona.

Nova zajednička koreografija Ane Kreitmeyer i Sonje Pregrad.

Glicerin, ksilitol, butan, propan, aluminij, pantenol, izopropilni alkohol, magnezijev i ne samo njegov klorid, soda bikarbona, ulje timijana i čajevca, limonen, linalol, klorofilin, ksantan guma. Krema sa zaštitnim faktorom. Ultraljubičaste zrake. Kvaka javnog wc-a, ispušni plinovi. Freoni iz klima uređaja. Kisele kiše. Pijesak u pustinji, šljunak na plaži, pločice kupaone, parket, plesni pod, zemlja. Grafit iz olovke, tinta, papiri, korice knjiga, plastika prekidača za svjetlo, metal, injekcija, psihoaktivne tvari, pleksiglas, čaj, keramika, staklo, željezo, teflon, inoks, vatrostalna posuda, ciste u jajnicima, nehrđajući čelik, aluminij, celofan, žohar, pas, kornjača, konj. 2368 vrsta bakterija u pupku, bakteriofagi. Kućne biljke i njihovi nametnici. Prašina sastavljena od mrtvih stanica kože, živog i mrtvog grinja i njihovog izmeta, peludi, nusprodukta dima i ispušnih plinova, vlakna odjeće, pesticida.

Jednim dijelom to je pejzaž u kojem svjetlo, prostor, zvukovi, tekstovi, tijela i objekti sačinjavaju različita tkiva jednog tijela osjeta, a drugim je i reakcija na to kako svijet u 2019. dodiruje naša (plešuća) tijela.



Koncept i koreografija: Ana Kreitmeyer i Sonja Pregrad

Izvedba: Ana Kreitmeyer, Ana Mrak, Sonja Pregrad

Oblikovanje prostora/video/grafički dizajn: Marko Gutić Mižimakov

Dramaturgija: Nina Gojić

Glazba: Ana Horvat

Kostimi: Marcio Kerber Canabarro

Oblikovanje svjetla: Igor Pauška

Rad s glasom: Lana Hosni

Podrška: Matija Ferlin

Produkcija: Četveroruka


U sklopu Antisezone 19 – ples u Gorgoni, koja je dio Performance Situation Room / NDA Life Long Burning EU projekta

Projekt je realiziran uz financijsku podršku Ministarstva kulture RH i Grada Zagreba

Hvala: PC TALA, Centar za kulturu Novi Zagreb, Pogon Jedinstvo, Uferstudios, Branko Kostelnik, Miranda Herceg, Larisa Lipovac, Andrea Hršak, Željko Bašković, Goran Ferčec, Michiel Kuipers, Anna Nowicka



“If embodiment is a precarious interplay, embodiment can also be conceived of as that which allows encounters to take place within a socio- historical (political) context, for a double-touching, an embodiment of touch, is a touching that can never take place unilaterally. Touch belongs first to an other: it comes to me from an other, already addressing itself to an other. Touch instantiates an interruption, it forces me to turn toward you, not necessarily face to face, but always skin to skin, hand to flesh, flesh to flesh. You are untouchable (inasmuch as there is a single “you”). What I touch is that untouchability. I negotiate that untouchability, that surface that cannot be penetrated, the unknown and (in)finite distance which separates me and you.” Erin Manning: The Politics of Touch




The glycerin, xylitol, butane, propane, aluminum, panthenol, isopropyl alcohol, magnesium and chlorides otherwise. Soda bicarbonate, thyme and tea tree oil, limonene, linalol, chlorophyllin, xanthan gum. Sunscreen. The Ultraviolet rays. A public toilet door handle, gas emission. The halocarbons from the air conditioner. The acid rain. The sand in the desert, the gravel on the beach, bathroom tiles, wooden floor, dance floor, the earth. The graphite in the pencil, ink, papers, book covers, light switches plastic, metal, a syringe, psychoactive substances, the plexiglass, tea, ceramics, glass, iron, Teflon, stainless steel, refractory vessel, ovarian cysts, stainless steel, aluminum, cellophane, a cockroach, a dog, a turtle, a horse. The 2368 types of bacteria in the navel, bacteriophages. The house plants and their parasites. Dust composed of dead skin cells, alive and dead dust mites and their excrement, pollen, byproducts of smoke and gas emission, clothing fibers, pesticides.

Feral, or the Opera Of Touching, is a speculative format – a sanctuary for the superheroines of touch and their sensory-sensual sci-fi powers.

It is partly a landscape in which light, space, sound, text, bodies and objects make up different tissues of one body of sensation, and partly a reaction to how the world in 2019 touches our (dancing) bodies.


Idea and choreography: Ana Kreitmeyer i Sonja Pregrad

Performance: Ana Kreitmeyer, Ana Mrak, Sonja Pregrad

Set design/video/graphic design: Marko Gutić Mižimakov

Dramaturge: Nina Gojić

Music: Ana Horvat

Costumes: Marcio Kerber Canabarro

Light design: Igor Pauška

Voice work support: Lana Hosni

Support: Matija Ferlin

Production: Četveroruka

In the frame of Antisezona 19 – dance in Gorgona, a part of Performance Situation Room / NDA Life Long Burning EU project.

Project has been realized with financial support of Croatian Ministry of Culture and the City of Zagreb.